Thursday, 1 March 2012

ich liebe meine hause

this may sound like a stupid post but until today i have never realised how much i actually love my house. i have lived in the same house for almost 9 years now (thats 3/5ths of my whole life) and grown up here. it has seen me through 3 different schools and a few different friend groups. its where i have spent my last 9 christmas' and birthday's and easter's! its the last place that i will remember my grandpa being before he died. its where i spent a month in a cast after i fell and broke my arm. its the only place i have had my boyfriend round. its where i spent most of my life playing hide and seek, i know all the best hiding spots, like the cupboard in the bathroom and beside the chest of drawers in the living room and under the bed in my parents room! its where i have millions of memories, both good and bad, but no matter what i will always think of this house as where i grew up!

you may be thinking why the hell is she telling us how much she loves her house but it will all become clearer with in the next few weeks!

bye for now,

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