Monday, 26 March 2012

sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

isnt this weather just gorgeous! yesterday it wasnt appreciated as much as it should have been as i was a duke of edinburgh practice walk along the tweed. 11 miles in the blazing sun with no suncream or a hat and about 3 zillion layers of walking gear, never again! but today is a total different story, im loving it! i really fancy going to the beach and getting a awaaaay! 

bye for now,

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

are we nearly there yet?!

far too excited for this shoot! thought i would make a collage of all my favourite shots from the original shoot. i think i have the locations sorted now but i still need to work out the clothes side of things. wish me luck, this could take some sorting out!

bye for now,

Sunday, 18 March 2012

my new purchases

last night i discovered the cutest website ever called rings and tings. it sells really cute jewellery for really cheap prices so i didnt hesitate in buying a few items.

with love,

Saturday, 17 March 2012

successful brainstorm

last night anna came round and we had a serious think about the shoot. it was good to discuss things with someone else to see what they thought of my ideas. we also came up with a few ideas of our own that match the same sort of vintage british theme of the aubin/wills shoot. we are going to do a few shots with anna's dad's classic mini! how amazing would that be! well we think it will be anyway! however we also realised how much work is going to need to be put in to make this thing work, but we will do this! getting excited now!!!

yours excitedly,

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

mission aubin/wills is under way

i have finally got this show on the road! i have my 4 models sorted and raring to go. i have also started to think more seriously about locations (for example, the picture above will probably be shot along at the quayside) and outfits. im starting to get very excited about the whole prospect of having the whole thing done and dusted by Easter! having a planning session with anna (and a few pizzas) on friday so will have more to well at the weekend concerning the shoot! 

bye for now.

Monday, 12 March 2012

finally some trial shots

 after a great weekend with my cousins i decided that instead of doing my already overdue homework i would finally get some trial shots done for the aubin/wills shoot. leave a comment to tell me what you think so far :) 

so long,

Friday, 9 March 2012

weekend with the cousins

finally, it friday! not only am i excited that i don't have school to get up for school in the morning but im also having a weekend away at my cousins house in scotland. after my dad's spell in hospital my auntie suggested that seeing as it is my cousins 16th birthday, we could go up and celebrate with them. this is great news, not only because i havent seen my cousins since christmas but it also means that i dont need to go to work! wahoooo!

finally getting somewhere with the aubin/wills shoot. decided on a few locations and im getting there with the planning of outfits. just need to find 2 models (1 male and 1 female) and im almost ready!

bye for the weekend.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

welcome home dad

after dad's vomiting episode all day sunday, he was taken to hospital where they could help him more than what my mum could. he stayed in the hospital for 2 and a bit days but is finally home! although i haven't missed his puking, i have missed him very much! so glad to have him home!

now for the photography side of things, i still haven't planned any of the aubin/wills shoot! really need to at least ask some people if they could model for it1

anyway, off to spend some time with my dad,
bye for now,

Sunday, 4 March 2012

i hate illness

after having only 3 hours sleep last night I am not in the best of moods. I was awoken to the hideous sound of my poor dad being sick, which then meant I started to worry and couldnt get back to sleep before he was back by the toilet, repeating the whole vile sequence! he cant help being ill but I am still blaming him for my foul mood. it has completely screwed my plans to get the aubin/wills shoot planned, but hey ho,life goes on!

will hopefully be in a better mood tomorrow and might even get some of the shoot planned in between doing homework.

bye for now,

Saturday, 3 March 2012

shots for shoot

can't wait to get this shoot under way. got loads of planning to do first though. need to find models and locations and clothes still. but the end result should be well worth it!


Friday, 2 March 2012

new converses

i arrived home today with a lovely surprise waiting for me on the stairs. these are my 5th pair of converses and i can assure you they wont be my last! these will probably be on my feet constantly until they are falling to pieces like my last ones. i am totally in love with them! mwaaah *said whilst doing a traditional italian gesture meaning tasty*


Thursday, 1 March 2012

ich liebe meine hause

this may sound like a stupid post but until today i have never realised how much i actually love my house. i have lived in the same house for almost 9 years now (thats 3/5ths of my whole life) and grown up here. it has seen me through 3 different schools and a few different friend groups. its where i have spent my last 9 christmas' and birthday's and easter's! its the last place that i will remember my grandpa being before he died. its where i spent a month in a cast after i fell and broke my arm. its the only place i have had my boyfriend round. its where i spent most of my life playing hide and seek, i know all the best hiding spots, like the cupboard in the bathroom and beside the chest of drawers in the living room and under the bed in my parents room! its where i have millions of memories, both good and bad, but no matter what i will always think of this house as where i grew up!

you may be thinking why the hell is she telling us how much she loves her house but it will all become clearer with in the next few weeks!

bye for now,