ok. lets get this out in the open, this isn't my first blog. i'm not going to lie, this is probably about my 5th or 6th. you may be wondering why i have made so many and why you can't see any of them..its because they were all rubbish and i deleted them! i would make them one day and then forget i had ever made it, leaving it with only on post on it (the one i posted on the day i made it). so this time i am determined to actually use it and not leave it to get old and die all by itself. i'm not saying that i am going to be on every hour of every day, but i will try and use it as much as possible.
right, here is the spiel about me: my name is lucinda lawrie, i am 15 years old, i live in a tiny little town on the border that doesn't see much excitement, i like to think that i am one of those fashion freaks who always has the newest clothes etc, but really i am just a plain old jeans, tees and converses type of girl, i have always had a thing for photography but really got into it when i was 13 and got a DSLR for my birthday, i am currently trying to find out what my best photography field is and i think that posting my photographs on a blog this like will help me to decide. i think that's about all the introducing myself bit done!
bye for now,
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