Wednesday, 29 February 2012


i know i know. i said i wouldnt be on here every hour of every day but looks like its going that way eh?!

i have found this amazing vintage photo editing software! the best thing about it is its totally free and really easy to use. i have been looking for an editing software like this for ages because i really like a vintage feel to photographs and this app has the most perfect effects for what i want! these two photographs took about 2 minutes to do each and the results are pretty impressive! will definitely be using this software a lot: pixlr-o-matic


lifestyle photography rocks!

i know i have just finished my first post but i am already loving this whole blogging thing! 

my mum came into my room one morning last week and told me that the new aubin and wills catalogue had arrived. if i am being honest, i only receive the catalogue because the photographs at the front are amazing! the actual products are ridiculously expensive and a bit old for me. anyway, i was looking through the photographs and totally fell in love with them and so did my mum! we spent quite a while looking through the catalogue in my room that morning before realising that i would be late for school if i didn't get up there and then. 

now it is decided, i am planning a photo shoot based on the photographs in this seasons catalogue for the easter holidays. that gives me 4 weeks to organise and plan everything down to the smallest earring. so wish me luck!


p.s. click here for the link to the aubin and wills online catalogue


ok. lets get this out in the open, this isn't my first blog. i'm not going to lie, this is probably about my 5th or 6th. you may be wondering why i have made so many and why you can't see any of them..its because they were all rubbish and i deleted them! i would make them one day and then forget i had ever made it, leaving it with only on post on it (the one i posted on the day i made it). so this time i am determined to actually use it and not leave it to get old and die all by itself. i'm not saying that i am going to be on every hour of every day, but i will try and use it as much as possible.

right, here is the spiel about me: my name is lucinda lawrie, i am 15 years old, i live in a tiny little town on the border that doesn't see much excitement, i like to think that i am one of those fashion freaks who always has the newest clothes etc, but really i am just a plain old jeans, tees and converses type of girl, i have always had a thing for photography but really got into it when i was 13 and got a DSLR for my birthday, i am currently trying to find out what my best photography field is and i think that posting my photographs on a blog this like will help me to decide. i think that's about all the introducing myself bit done!

bye for now,