Ok, so the idea is less Kat Moon over here on the left and more naturally beautiful woman on the right. I'm thinking minimal hair and make up, if any. Obviously have hair, but just don't do anything to it, no extraordinary hair bands/clips etc. A little bit of earth coloured make-up here and there to brighten up the face a bit but nothing too fancy! For the outfits i'm thinking nice floaty nude coloured dresses, nude coloured tops and light jeans maybe OR I could even customise a skin coloured vest and pants adam and eve style.....maybe not. Location - not really been thought about yet. Could maybe see if we can find some nice country side place with lots of flowers and fields and nature? Something might come to mind later...
bye for now,
I can't believe I haven't been on here since APRIL!!! All my school work has just caught up on me and with all my exams and rehearsals for His Dark Materials I had no time to blog at all! RIDICULOUS, I KNOW!
But don't worry, I am back and planning yet another shoot! Although hopefully this time it won't take me as long to plan and hopefully we will be blessed with nicer weather. I think this next shoot is going to be based on 'natural beauty' which means an awful lot to me. Most of the girls my age where I live seem to have no idea what this mysterious concept is and choose to cake their faces in about 10 inches of foundation everyday, but I have never got into this horrible habit and my beauty regime at the moment consists of my 2 wonderful cosmetics - moisturiser and mascara. Yet I know people who wear even less than me and look stunning all the time WITHOUT horrible orange faces and terribly obvious foundation lines where their natural skin colour starts and make-up stops. So I would like this shoot to celebrate all things naturally beautiful, not only my models but also the outfits, the locations, the props, the lighting and the photographs themselves - left un-edited yet still stunning! I have loads of ideas in my head already...nude colours, sunshine, flowers, fields...I think I will need to stock up on my hayfever tablets.
lots of love,
After months of preparation and planning, I have finally done my photoshoot! Unfortunately, we didn't have the best of days, weather wise, to do the shoot. However, I am quite glad it was raining because I love the umbrellas in some of the shots, really proper British weather! A big thank you is needed for my 4 models.
Laura Hutton is simply wonderful! A natural beauty that seems so relaxed in front of the camera. Eve Dryden is also wonderful! She is a simply spectacular girl that just belongs in front of the camera. Its hard to believe but from what I know, this was Liam Skelly and Hamish Carrick's first time in front of the camera (although I have an inkling that Liam may have been practising before hand, haha) They were very relaxed and I can assure you that this won't be the last time you see them on my blog.
Now I need to get planning my next shoot!!!
bye for now,
typical, as soon as the schools break up for the holidays the beautiful weather leaves us and in return we get rain! brilliant! i am just hoping that next week when we are doing the shoot it isnt raining, think i will be praying to the weather god this week.
i think i am just about sorted for the shoot now. i think i have an idea what day it'll be, i just need to let the models know what clothes they will need to bring with them. but thats not a big job.
bye for now,
isnt this weather just gorgeous! yesterday it wasnt appreciated as much as it should have been as i was a duke of edinburgh practice walk along the tweed. 11 miles in the blazing sun with no suncream or a hat and about 3 zillion layers of walking gear, never again! but today is a total different story, im loving it! i really fancy going to the beach and getting a 99...im awaaaay!
bye for now,
far too excited for this shoot! thought i would make a collage of all my favourite shots from the original shoot. i think i have the locations sorted now but i still need to work out the clothes side of things. wish me luck, this could take some sorting out!
bye for now,
last night i discovered the cutest website ever called rings and tings. it sells really cute jewellery for really cheap prices so i didnt hesitate in buying a few items.
with love,